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Buying a Property



蘇格蘭平均樓價比英國其他地方低(尤其是倫敦和英格蘭東南部分)。蘇格蘭置業的程序亦與英國其他地區有稍微分別,尤其是遞交意向價格的步驟。在蘇格蘭置業主要有三種出價方式,當中包括蘇格蘭獨有的「Offer over」形式:

  • 固定報價:當物業以固定報價形式刊登,則代表賣家會接受第一個提出該報價的買家。
  • 高於掛牌價(Offer Over):如果你希望購買標明是Offer Over的物業,你的律師會代你向該物業發出「意向書」。Offer Over的物業一般會有一個報價截止日期。當你向該物業表示意向後,你會在賣家釐定的截止日期後收到通知。只要你在截止日期前提出報價,賣家便會將你的申請納入考慮範圍。這些報價均為保密出價,直接交由賣家選擇。你的律師可以為你的報價提供意見。在一些槍手地區,出價比掛牌價高出20%至30%非常常見,保障自己可以購得該物業。
  • 建議出價/大概價位:這與英格蘭的出價方式類似,賣家期望買家提出在掛牌價附近範圍的出價。你應尋求事務律師的意見,或基於同區同類型物業的市場數據提出報價。

Shelter Scotland提供在蘇格蘭置業的指南

Your Move亦有提供在蘇格蘭置業的指南,助你從頭到尾了解整個置業過程。



  • 尋找一位專門負責物業買賣的事務律師,他們可以在過程中為你提供專業建議,代你正式提出購買意向和作出報價,並為你提供蘇格蘭買樓置業的指引。
  • 尋找一位按揭貸款經紀人,助你計算貸款金額以及其他在物業上的費用。
  • 取得信用評分(如果你需要申請按揭貸款)
  • 取得你有興趣的物業的房屋報告。如果該物業掛牌出售,則應有一份房屋報告,當中包括該物業的有用資訊、房屋狀態和應留意的問題。房屋報告一般有三個組成部分:驗樓和估價、房屋狀態問卷(由賣家填寫)以及能源效益報告。報告中的估價比起Offer over的掛牌價更有參考價值。一棟物業的掛牌價是Offer over £200,000,但它在房屋報告中的估價可以是£220,000。在某些情況下,一些物業可能沒有房屋報告包括,例如沒有在市場上買賣過,並且是新建成的物業。你可在此查閱更多有關房屋報告的資訊。





Buying a Property in Scotland

Average property prices are lower in Scotland than in other parts of the UK, especially London and the Southeast of England. Buying a property in Scotland works slightly differently than in the rest of the UK. This applies specifically to the process of submitting an offer for a property. There are three main ways to make an offer on property in Scotland, with the ‘Offers over’ system generally being unique to Scotland:

  • Fixed price offers – when a property is listed at a fixed price, it usually means that the vendor will accept the first offer made at the listed price. 
  • Offers over – if you want to purchase an offers over property, your solicitor will normally put in a ‘note of interest’ on the property. This usually means that a closing date will be set on the property. If you have noted your interest on a property, you will be informed of the closing date when it is set by the vendor. If you submit your offer before the closing date, it will be considered by the vendor. These are sealed bids which the vendor then assesses. Your solicitor will be able to advise on what they think is a reasonable amount to bid. In some popular areas, it is not uncommon to bid 20 to 30% over the listed price to secure the property. 
  • Guide price or offers in the region of – This is similar to the system used in England, which means the vendor is looking for an offer near the listed price. You should seek your solicitor’s advice on what you should offer or rely on market data from similar properties sold in the area.

Shelter Scotland have produced this useful guide on buying a home in Scotland

Your Move have also produced a useful 21-step guide on buying property in Scotland. This takes you through the process from starting your journey through to the completion date. 

Checklist when buying a property

Below is a short checklist of things you will need when buying property in Scotland. 

  • A Solicitor specialising in property, who will be able to advise you on the process, lodge notes of interests or make formal offers, and provide guidance on the Scottish property market.
  • Mortgage Broker, who will help you figure out the size of your mortgage and what you have to spend on a property. 
  • A credit rating (if you are planning on applying for a mortgage)
  • A Home report for properties you are interested in. If the house is listed for sale, it should have a home report. This document provide useful information about the property, its condition, and any issues you should be aware of. It is comprised of three sections: a survey and valuation, a property questionnaire, and an energy report. You should note that the valuation is likely to be a better estimate of what the property is worth than an ‘offers over’ price. For example, a property may be listed for ‘offers over £200,000,’ but its actual value in the home report could be listed as £220,000. There are a few cases where properties may not have a home report – for example, if it is a newbuild property and has not been on the market before. You will find information about home reports here

Where do you find properties in Scotland?

There are many ways to find property to buy or rent in Scotland. Below is a list of some commonly used websites that provide listings across Scotland. 

We are constantly looking to improve the information on this page. If you have a suggestion, please get in touch with us at hongkongBNO@cosla.gov.uk. 

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