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Finding & Applying for a Job





  • MyjobScotland:MyjobScotland是一個可供求職者尋找公共部門工作或志願工作的求職平台,是蘇格蘭其中一個最大型的求職平台。你可以透過關鍵字和郵政編號/地方名稱搜尋到相關工作。申請帳號後,你需要填寫個人簡介,以便日後更輕鬆地遞交求職申請
  • Indeed是其中一個蘇格蘭最大型的網上求職平台。你可以打開電郵提示功能,確保收到最新的空缺資訊。
  • S1 Jobs主要集中提供蘇格蘭職位空缺的資訊。你可以透過挑選相關工作技能(例如駕駛、會計、財務和市場推廣技能等),篩選合適工作。
  • Total Jobs是另一個求職平台,你可以在平台上搜尋到蘇格蘭的職位空缺。這個平台提供多種篩選功能,包括透過選擇所乘搭的交通工具,設定理想的通勤時間。
  • Goodmoves:Goodmoves由蘇格蘭義務工作組織委員會(Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations)管理,提供蘇格蘭民間社會組織、慈善機構和義務工作行業的職位空缺,更包括在義務工作的貼士以及其他蘇格蘭的義工服務機會
  • LinkedIn:部分企業只會透過LInkedIn招聘員工。你可以在LinkedIn上開設個人檔案,確保更新你的個人資料,並且透過平台拓展人脈網絡,有助吸引獵頭和僱主的注意。
  • Agency Central可協助你搜尋位於蘇格蘭的招聘機構。你可以透過行業、行業部門、地點和聘用類型作出篩選。








大部分的工作申請都會要求你遞交兩份文件:一是求職信(cover letter),及履歷(CV)。CV當中會包含你的學歷背景、工作經驗、工作成就和其他任何與應聘工作相關的證書和報讀課程。一般來說,CV的長度不會超過兩頁,而且應該根據應聘的工作量身定做。換言之你可能會有幾分不同版本的CV。你亦可以在CV上加上你的聯絡資料,但卻無需附上個人照片。








你的僱主亦可以會檢查你是否有「在英工作權(right to work)」,可以合法地在英國工作。他們可以會要求你親身前往工作,或要求你提交電子分享碼(share code)。你可以按此查詢更多有關你的工作權利以及在英工作權的資訊。






Finding Jobs

BN(O) visa holders have the right to work in Scotland. We know, however, that it can be difficult to find a new job when moving to a new country. In this section, we’ll cover different ways that you can find jobs in Scotland, along with some strategies for securing positions. 

Below are a few platforms you can use to search for jobs in Scotland:

  • MyjobScotland: a website with jobs for the public and third sector in Scotland. It is one of the biggest recruitment platforms in Scotland and allows you to search for jobs by keywords and postcodes/towns. When creating an account, you will be asked to set up a profile which makes it easier to apply for other roles. 
  • Indeed: one of the biggest job websites in Scotland. You can set up email alerts to ensure you receive updates about the latest vacancies. 
  • S1 Jobs: a website specifically focused on job vacancies in Scotland. It allows you to filter jobs by the core skills used in the job (i.e. driving, education, accountancy, financial services, marketing, etc.).  
  • Total Jobs: another good website to look for vacancies in Scotland. The portal offers many filtering options when searching for jobs – you can even set your commute time from your home address by your travel mode (i.e. walking, cycling, driving, or public transport). 
  • Goodmoves:  a career hub for jobs in the Scottish civil society, charity, and voluntary sectors. Run by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, it also includes resources on working in the voluntary sector and volunteering opportunities across Scotland.
  • LinkedIn: some organisations recruit exclusively on LinkedIn. Maintaining an up-to-date profile and building a network of relevant contacts may help attract recruiters and potential employers. 
  • Agency Central: a portal for searching employment agencies in Scotland. The portal enables you to search by Industry, Industry Sub Sector, Location, and Employment Type. 

Tips for finding and applying for jobs:

  • Set up alerts for jobs in your preferred location and professional area. Most of the above portals and websites will allow you to save searches to receive daily or weekly updates with relevant jobs in your preferred location. 
  • Apply as soon as possible. Certain sectors (such as healthcare) may close once a certain number of applicants has been reached. 
  • If you hold any non-UK professional qualifications and are applying to a profession that is regulated in Scotland, visit our page on getting you professional qualifications recognised in the UK.

Applying for Jobs

Once you find a job, the next step is to submit an application. Below you will find some advice on applying for jobs in Scotland and the UK. 

  • Look for the job specification or profile to see what the essential and desirable criteria are. These are the skills, qualifications, and experiences that the employer expects you to have. Normally, an employer will expect you to meet all (or nearly all) of the essential criteria. Your application should highlight examples that show that you meet the essential criteria, drawing from examples in your career.
  • Most applications include two things: a cover letter and a CV. Your CV includes your academic qualifications, professional experience, achievements, and any relevant training you have undertaken that might be relevant to the role. Your CV should normally not be longer than 2 pages and should be tailored to the specific job you are applying for. This means you may have several versions of your CV. You may also include some basic contact details on your CV but should not include a photo. 
  • Your cover letter should highlight, which is often 1 or 2 pages long. Oftentimes, the recruiter may state what they would like you to include in your cover letter. It is best practice to introduce yourself, explain why you are the right person for the job, and the address the key essential criteria using relevant examples. If you have space, you should also try to show examples that show you meet the desirable criteria. 
  • Some larger employment agencies or jobs portals, such as MyJobsscotland, use an online application form where you fill in your details and address the criteria. These online forms often contain the same information as a cover letter or CV.
  • It is common in Scotland to have a one-stage interview process, although some employers use a two-stage process. You should thoroughly research the employer and their website, paying particular attention to their values and/or ethos. Most interviews are 30 minutes to an hour long. 
  • There are several different types of interview questions, such as competency-based questions, technical questions, or motivational questions. The most common types of questions are competency-based questions, which is where you are asked to provide examples of how you have the skills needed for the job. You can find more information on interviews and interview questions here
  • At the end of the interview, you will normally be given the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. This is a good opportunity to ask key questions about the role, such as flexible working arrangements or management structures.
  • Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, it is not uncommon for interviews to take place remotely. This depends on the type of job you are applying for, however. 
  • If you are offered the job, you will normally have to undergo a few final checks before you sign the contract and can begin. One of these is providing references. It is common for employers to ask for 2 references when you start a new job. Usually, they will expect two employment references – these can be from a previous job in Hong Kong, as long as the reference is in English. 
  • Your employer may also conduct a ‘right to work’ check to ensure that you legally allowed to work in the UK. This may be done in person or remotely via a share code. Find out more about your rights, including the right to work here. 
  • Find out more about applying for basic disclosure here. 

Find out more about applying for jobs in Scotland here


I have moved to Scotland but I am still working remotely for a company/organisation in Hong Kong. What do I need to consider?

You can continue to work for your Hong Kong employer after you move to the UK. However, you will need to pay UK income tax on your foreign income once you become a resident in the UK. This normally means you will need to fill out a Self Assessment tax return. More information can be found here. We advise that you seek professional advice from a taxation expert. 

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Have you recently arrived in Scotland? Please take our short Welcome Survey BN(O) Welcome Survey.

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