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Mental Health Support










  • 蘇格蘭撒瑪利亞會(Samaritans Scotland)為正面對危機和承受痛苦的人士提供免費的生命熱線服務,熱線全天候服務。你也可以透過電郵聯絡他們,並可在24小時內收到回覆。你可以按此查看撒瑪利亞會的聯絡方式,或致電熱線116 123。撒瑪利亞會在蘇格蘭有19間機構,但受COVID-19疫情影響,撒瑪利亞會已暫停面談支援服務。撒瑪利亞會不會提供任何諮詢服務,但會為有需要人士提供傾談服務。
  • 蘇格蘭精神健康協會(SAMH)為初級醫療、學校、持續教育和其他更廣泛的社區組織提供精神健康服務。你可以透過電話或電郵獲得SAMH的諮詢服務,這個網頁同時包含大量精神健康的資源以及相關合作機構。
  • Breathing Space Scotland為任何年滿16歲,並可能正面臨情緒低潮、抑鬱或焦慮的人士提供免費的保密電話或網上對話服務,服務由蘇格蘭政府的精神健康部門資助。如果英文並非你的母語,或者你只懂得說廣東話,你仍可以致電Breathing Space尋求協助,他們會透過Language Line的傳譯服務為無法用英文溝通,或希望使用其他語言的服務使用者提供支援服務。你可以致電 0800 83 85 87聯絡Breathing Space。如你需要傳譯員協助,請告訴輔導員你所需的語言服務,然後透過Language Line的傳譯員與Breathing Space對話溝通。請注意, Language Line傳譯服務的服務時間為星期一至五晚上6時正至凌晨12時正,星期六和日早上8時至凌晨12時正。
  • Living Life透過提供自我幫助指南和認知行為治療為正經歷情緒低潮、輕度至中度抑鬱,和/或焦慮的人士提供精神健康支援服務。你可以致電 0800 328 9655(熱線開放時間為下午1時正至晚上9時正)接受評估,然後定期在你方便的時間與經訓練的專業人士電話聯絡,並取得相關支援協助。更多有關Living Life的服務詳情,請按此處
  • 你可以致電111聯絡NHS 24精神健康熱線,熱線24小時全天候開放。廣東話服務使用者可以使用Language Line為非英語為母語人士而設的傳譯服務。
  • Health in Mind是一家位於愛丁堡、中洛錫安、東洛錫安、西洛錫安和蘇格蘭邊區的精神健康慈善機構。你可以按此查看可使用的服務和服務地區。Health in Mind亦舉辦各種精神健康工作坊和支援小組,關注不同精神健康問題,包括支援居住在愛丁堡的少數民族,以及提供朋輩支援和創傷諮詢服務。
  • Cruse Bereavement Care透過熱線和網上對話服務,為有需要的人士提供喪親支援服務。如你最近失去你的親人,你可以致電0808 808 1677與他們的輔導員對話。
  • 發送短信內容SHOUT至85258與受訓練的Shout義工聯絡。你可以按此了解更多此項服務的詳情。
  • PAPYRUS是一個專注防治年輕人(35歲或以下)自殺的機構。他們為有自殺念頭的兒童和年輕人,或任何擔心有年輕人有自殺念頭的人提供免費的電話、短信和電郵聯絡服務。你可以按此了解更多他們的支援服務
  • 蘇格蘭公民諮詢(Scotland’s Citizens Advice)服務熱線提供免費的一對一中立客觀電話諮詢服務。雖然熱線並非專門負責精神健康問題,但會提供與就業、住屋、債務、流離失所和其他問題相關的意見。你可以免費致電0800 028 1456與輔導員對話(熱線開放時間星期一至四上午9時正至下午3時正,星期五上午9時正至正午12時)。
  • Rape Crisis Scotland為曾經或正遭受性暴力的人士提供協助。你可以致電Rape Crisis Scotland全國熱線 08088 01 03 02與他們聯絡(熱線開放時間為每天下午6時正至凌晨12時)。你也可以在他們的網頁上找到其他有用資訊。
  • Scottish Women’s Aid主要為家庭暴力的受害者提供服務。你可以致電他們的全天候家庭暴力和強迫婚姻熱線,與此機構聯絡,獲得建議和相關訊息。你也可以按此查找你當地其他女性援助組織
  • Parentline提供免費的電話和網上對話支援服務,為位於蘇格蘭的家庭提供心靈和實質支援。服務由Children 1st 主辦,你可以致電0800 28 22 33使用此服務(熱線開放時間星期一至五上午9時至晚上9時,以及星期六至日上午9時至正午12時)。更多Parentline和其他類似服務的詳情,請按此處



NHS Mental Health Care

The NHS provides a wide range of mental services for those experiencing mild, moderate, or complex mental health problems. Oftentimes, this involves a referral from your GP for specialist care, such as therapy. Mental Health care and treatment from the NHS is always free. 

You should contact your GP in the first instance and discuss any mental health issues you are experiencing. They can signpost you to resources or arrange a referral to specialist services if required. 

 You should be aware that in many instances, there are long waiting lists for specialists mental health services. It is worth discussing the potential waiting lists with your GP to see whether there are any other options for accessing mental health support. In the following chapter, you will find information on mental health charities and local wellbeing support. 

Mental Health Charities & Local Wellbeing Support

You can also opt to receive mental health and wellbeing support from mental health charities. This can sometimes be quicker than accessing NHS mental health care, as NHS mental health services often experience long waiting times. 

This is something you can also discuss with your GP, who will usually be able to signpost you to relevant services in your area. 

Below you will find a list of national support services offering mental health support and advice across Scotland.

  • Samaritans Scotland is a lifeline for people in crisis and distress. They provide emotional support via a free helpline which is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can also email them and they will respond within 24 hours. Find out more about contacting a Samaritan here or call 116 123. They also operate 19 branches around Scotland, although branch visits are currently suspended due to COVID-19. Samaritans do not provide advice; they provide a listening service. 
  • SAMH is the Scottish Association for Mental Health. They provide mental health services in primary care, schools, further education, and the wider community. You can access the SAMH information service here via phone or email – this page also includes a range of different mental health related resources and partner organisations. 
  • Breathing Space Scotland is a free, confidential phone and webchat service for anyone over 16 that may be experiencing low mood, depression or anxiety. It is funded by the Scottish Government’s Mental Health Unit. For Cantonese speakers or non-native English speakers, you can still phone Breathing Space, as they use the Language Line interpretation Service to support callers who cannot, or would prefer not to, speak English. You can Breathing Space on 0800 83 85 87. If you need an interpreter, tell the advisor the name of your preferred language, and you will have a three-way conversation with both Breathing Space and Language Line interpreter. Note that the Language Line interpretation service is available from 18:00 to 24:00 from Monday to Friday and 8:00 to 24:00 on Saturday and Sunday. 
  • Living Life provides mental health support through guided self-help and cognitive behavioural therapy. It is intended for those experiencing low mood, mild to moderate depression, and/or anxiety. Phone 0800 328 9655 (Monday to Friday: 13:00 – 21:00) to refer yourself for an assessment, after which you’ll have regular telephone contact with a trained professional at a time which is convenient for you and access to support materials. Find out more about the Living Life Service here
  • You can call the NHS 24 Mental Health Hub by dialling 111. This service is open 24/7. Cantonese speakers will be able to use the Language Line interpretation service for non-native English speakers if they do not feel comfortable speaking in English.  
  • Health in Mind is a mental health charity operating in Edinburgh, Midlothian, East Lothian, West Lothian, and the Scottish Borders. They also have a national counselling helpline which you can access if you live somewhere else in Scotland. Find out which services are available and where. They offer a wide variety of mental health workshops and support groups, focusing on everything from supporting people from minority ethnic groups living in Edinburgh to peer support and trauma counselling. 
  • Cruse Bereavement Care focuses specifically on providing bereavement support via their helpline or web chat service. If you’ve recently lost a loved one, call 0808 808 1677 to speak to one of their grief counsellors today. 
  • Text the word ‘SHOUT’ to 85258 to start a conversation with a Trained Shout Volunteer. Find out more about the service here
  • PAPYRUS is an organisation that focuses on the prevention of suicide in young people, typically the under 35 age-group. They have a free call, text, and email service for children and young people who are experiencing suicidal thoughts and for anyone worried that a young person could be thinking about suicide. Find out more about their support services here
  • Scotland’s Citizens Advice helpline is a free, one-to-one, impartial advice service. Although it does not focus specifically on mental health, it does offer general advice on employment, housing, debt, homelessness and more. Call 0800 028 1456 to speak to an advisor for free (opening times Monday to Thursday 9:00 to 15:00, and Friday 9:00 to 12:00). 
  • Rape Crisis Scotland provides support for anyone affected by sexual violence at any point in their lives. You can phone their Rape Crisis Scotland National Helpline on 08088 01 03 02 on any day between 18:00 and 24:00. They also provide useful resources on their website. 
  • Scottish Women’s Aid focuses on preventing domestic abuse. They provide advice and information for victims of domestic abuse via their domestic abuse and forced marriage helpline (available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week). You c an find your local women’s aid group here
  • Parentline is a free phone line and web chat service that offers emotional and practical support to families across Scotland. Hosted by Children 1st, you can call them on 0800 28 22 33 from 9:00 to 21:00 on Monday to Friday, and from 9:00 to 12:00 on Saturday and Sunday. Find out more information about Parentline and similar services here.      

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